İlker Uğur

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Archive for the ‘Diet’ Category

Why and How am i losing weight?

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Eat Healthy

In the beginning of 2008 i felt that something went wrong with my body. I was 90kg’s and my height is 1,80 cms. I was on the path of being obese however cared not so much about it. 

I went to the doctor due to pain in my torso and he told me that i have Grade I liver lipoidosis. He said this typical in overweight people and i shall be careful in what i eat. I cared not so much again as he wasn’t really so serious in telling me what i had. My chlosterol level was OK and i was happy with it.

In the beginning of March during a Site Visit i felt really bad. An allergy hit me in a matter of minutes. Then i went to see the doctor after work. I was given a serum and they checked for my enzym levels in my liver. They were 4 times the normal. The overworking of the enzymes triggered an allergy even though i do not over use anything. The reason was sugar. 

Then i went to Acıbadem Maslak. Checked by a gastroentrologist. She told me that a strict diet is a must. My liver lipidosis is now Grade III and it can cause liver fail in the near future. She told me to lose 10 kgs in 3 months. I was sent to a dietician as well.

She gave me a 6 meal menu for each day. The cause of my overweight is the uneven dietary routine. My body does not know when i will be eating and stock all the fat possible. The diet goes well. I lost 4 kgs in 2,5 weeks and feel much healtier now. By the way i was 94 when i went to Acıbadem. Now i am 90. My first target is 87. Then i will feel much much better. 

My tips for all of you is: First get a private health insurance. Then go for a full body check up. After that see the dietician and ask for a diet program. Put time restrictions on your diet and eat at those times only. You get your car to be checked each year but not yourself. This is the stupidest thing to do.

Written by ilkerugur

April 25, 2009 at 12:21 pm

Posted in Diet